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发表时间:2011-11-13 浏览量:


校内数字资源ftp: 主要提供:资源主要为教学视频、教学案例、教学课件、教学软件

1. Absolute: biography of a bottle

2. Adland: a global history of advertising

3. Ads, fads, and consumer culture: advertising’s impact on American character and society

4. Advertising and Chinese society: impacts and issues

5. Advertising and society: controversies and consequences

6. Advertising cultures: gender, commerce, creativity

7. Advertising education: yesterday, today, tomorrow

8. The advertising handbook (a. celebrity; b. gender and ethnicity; c. viral advertising)

9. Advertising in China: reflection on an evolving institution

10. Advertising is dead: long living advertising

11. Advertising next: 150 winning campaigns for the new communications age

12. Advertising terms

13. Advertising to baby boomers

14. The age of persuasion: how marketing ate our culture

15. Agilvy on advertising

16. Alcohol advertising and young people’s drinking: presentation, reception and regulation

17. Brand management: research, theory and practice

18. Brand meaning

19. Brand new China

20. A century of advertising education

21. NTC’s dictionary of advertising

22. Drink talking: 100 years of alcohol advertising

23. Fantasy in advertising: best ads

24. Foreign advertising in China: becoming global, becoming local

25. The fundamentals of creative advertising

26. Global advertising, attitudes and audiences

27. Globalizing ideal beauty

28. A guide to effective real estate advertising

29. How to brand nations, cities and destinations

30. Humor in advertising: a comprehensive analysis

31. Humor in advertising: best ads

32. Icons: 70 vintage fashion and beauty ads

33. Images that sell: 500 ways to create great ads

34. Imaging in advertising: verbal and visual codes of commerce

35. International advertising: realities and myths

36. Internet advertising: theory and practice

37. The king of Madison Avenue: David Ogilvy and the making of modern advertising

38. Provocateur: images of women and minorities in advertising (sexism)

39. The psychology of entertainment media: blurring the lines between entertainment and persuasion

40. Real estate advertising ideas

41. The role of advertising in China

42. Sex in advertising

43. Sign wars: cluttered landscape of advertising

44. Smoke signals: 100 years of tobacco advertising

45. This is advertising

46. The truth about creating brands people love

47. Who is afraid of fear appeals? Persuasion and emotion in print advertising

48. Women, advertising and representation: beyond familiar paradigms

49. Word-of-mouth advertising: online & off

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